Lithuanian - LITH

Lithuanian LITH 499 Independent Study 1 TO 4 hours. Investigation of special problems under the general direction of a staff member. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Graduate students may register for more than one section per term; undergraduates may only register for one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Senior or graduate standing, consent of the instructor and the head of the department. 
Lithuanian LITH 515 Lithuanian Linguistics and Poetics 4 hours. Linguistic and stylisic analysis of Lithuanian texts based on contemporary theories of style. 
Lithuanian LITH 520 Topics in Historical Lithuanian Linguistics 4 hours. Covers major topics and trends in historical Lithuanian linguistics: linguistic history, sociolinguistic history, history of grammars and dictionaries. Will also cover historical sites of various linguistic schools. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Taught in Lithuanian. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. 
Lithuanian LITH 550 Studies in Lithuanian Romanticism 4 hours. Study of a genre, movement, or topic. Content varies. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.  
Lithuanian LITH 560 Studies in Lithuanian Realism 4 hours. Study of a topic, author, or movement. Content varies. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.  
Lithuanian LITH 565 Studies in Twentieth-Century Lithuanian Literature 4 hours. Study of a topic, author or movement. Content varies. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.  
Lithuanian LITH 570 Studies in Lithuanian Literary Criticism 4 hours. Function of literary criticism in all epochs of Lithuanian literature. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.  
Lithuanian LITH 596 Independent Study 1 TO 4 hours. Investigation of special problems under the general direction of a staff member. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and the head of the department.