Nursing Specialty - NUSP

NUSP 501 Administrative Nursing Models 2 hours. Appraisal and synthesis of theory, research and practice in the organization and management of the delivery of nursing and healthcare services including currently used models of nursing care delivery.
NUSP 502 Strategic Planning and Outcomes Evaluation for Clinical Programs 3 hours. Analysis of trends and issues affecting health care systems in the context of planning appropriate strategies for the development and growth of clinical programs and services.
NUSP 503 Financial Resource Management for Nursing Decision Makers 3 hours. Provide the clinical decision maker with state of the art tools to plan, implement, and evaluate the financial viability of health care programs and initiatives. Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of Excel is required.
NUSP 504 Healthcare Human Resources Management 3 hours. Focuses on the development of a strategic human resource plan to support the mission of the health care organization. Current human resources management and organizational performance research findings are explored.
NUSP 505 Nursing Systems Operations Management 3 hours. Addresses nursing systems operations management of health services. Examines the managerial role at individual, program, work unit, department, and organizational levels. Includes focus on interaction of the organization and environment.
NUSP 507 Advanced Community Health Nursing: Introduction and Interventions 4 hours. Addresses application of evidence-based population-focused interventions in health care organizations that promote wellness and improve community health status. Introduces leadership roles/concepts in advanced public health nursing practice. 
NUSP 509 Population-Focused Assessment 3 hours. Explores population-focused assessment in community and integrated healthcare systems emphasizing the application of assessment models used in health service delivery and market analysis. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in EPID 400. 
NUSP 511 Planning and Evaluation for Advanced Nursing Practice 3 hours. Explores strategic and program planning applications. Focuses on evaluation as a measurement of quality, performance, and impact of health services. Emphasizes interdisciplinary perspective and addresses integrated quality improvement systems. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 509. 
NUSP 512 Education Perspectives in School Health 4 hours. The scientific knowledge base of child development and educational psychology. Will explore the implications for classroom practice. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NUSP 513 School Nursing Theory and Trends 3 hours. Explores population-focused frameworks, health needs, and legal mandates that impact school community. School nursing practice models are studied as relevant to developing leadership and management. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
NUSP 514 Occupational Health Nursing 2 hours. Theoretical bases for application of public health nursing practice to working populations in occupational settings.
NUSP 515 Health Management in Primary Care I 3 hours. First of a three-course sequence in evidence-based health promotion, health maintenance, and health restoration using a lifespan developmental framework. Emphasizes wellness care. Prerequisite(s): NURS 532.
NUSP 516 Health Management in Primary Care II 3 hours. Second in a three-course sequence in evidence-based health promotion, health maintenance, and health restoration using a lifespan developmental framework. Emphasizes common acute and chronic health problems. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 515.
NUSP 517 Health Management in Primary Care III 3 hours. Last in a three-course sequence in evidence-based health promotion, health maintenance, and health restoration using a lifespan developmental framework. Emphasizes common chronic health problems and co-morbidities. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 516.
NUSP 518 Population-Focused Interventions in Primary Care 2 hours. Population-focused assessment, program planning, and evaluation of interventions for community-based health care providers. Prerequisite(s): EPID 400.
NUSP 525 Group Dynamics, Behavior and Intervention 3 hours. Concepts, theories and research pertaining to group dynamics and to interventions carried out in groups. Analysis of videotaped group experience.
NUSP 526 Developmental, Behavioral Health and Interventions with Youth 3 hours. Normative and atypical developmental processes. Applications emphasize developmentally and culturally sensitive nursing assessment and intervention in children's lives to improve mental health outcomes. Prerequisite(s): NURS 527.
NUSP 527 Behavioral Health Care I 3 hours. Common mental health problems presented in primary and community care settings. Focus on psychopathology, assessment and brief counseling interventions; crisis intervention and triage; emergency care.
NUSP 528 Behavioral Health Care II 3 hours. Complex mental health problems experienced in psychiatric populations. Focus on stabilization and management of psychotic illnesses, dual diagnosis treatment models, psychoeducational models and psychiatric rehabilitation. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 527.
NUSP 529 Family Behavioral Health 2 hours. Theories of family development and behavior; functional and dysfunctional communication and behavioral patterns. Theories and strategies for family assessment and intervention.
NUSP 534 Management of Health and Illness I: Advanced Practice in Adult Nursing 3 hours. Advanced medical-surgical nursing covering etiology, clinical evaluation and management of specific health problems related to cardiovascular, pulmonary, and endocrine systems. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NURS 531, and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 532, and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 537.
NUSP 535 Management of Health and Illness II: Advanced Practice in Adult Nursing 3 hours. Advanced medical-surgical nursing covering etiology, clinical evaluation and management of specific health problems related to neurological, gastrointestinal, immunologic, hematologic, renal and liver systems. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 534.
NUSP 548 Biological Basis for Women's Health and Perinatal Nursing I 2 hours. Focuses on the anatomy and physiology of reproductive function, pregnancy, parturition, the puerperium and menopause as the biological basis for women's health and perinatal nursing.
NUSP 549 Biological Basis for Women's Health and Perinatal Nursing II 1 TO 2 hours. The anatomy, physiology, and genetics of conception, embryonic development, and fetal and neonatal growth and development as the biological basis for women's health and perinatal nursing. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 548.
NUSP 550 Issues for Research and Practice in Women's Health 3 hours. Analysis of gender-related definitions of health and illness in theory issues and research evaluation criteria for women's health care practice are developed as a basis for research.
NUSP 551 Concepts for Pediatric/Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice I 2 hours. Students analyze theory and research related to the patient/family sphere of influence in order to design care for pediatric or perinatal patients and families.  Prerequisite(s):  NURS 530.
NUSP 552 Concepts for Pediatric/Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist II 2 hours. Students analyze theories and research related to pediatric or perinatal nursing personnel and organizational spheres of influence.  Prerequisite(s):  NUSP 551.
NUSP 553 Advanced Nursing Care of the Well Infant, Child and Adolescent 3 hours. Emphasizes prevention, health promotion and maintenance for all childhood age groups through teaching, counseling, guidance and support of children and their families. Prerequisite(s): NURS 532 and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 531 and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 535.
NUSP 554 Primary Care Management of Acute/Chronic Conditions in Childhood 3 hours. Emphasizes clinical decision making and management of acute episodic illnesses and stable chronic illnesses commonly encountered in pediatric ambulatory health care settings. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 553.
NUSP 555 Health Care of Women I 4 hours. Health care of women through the lifespan with an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention, fertility control and pregnancy care.  Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NUSP 548; and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 532.
NUSP 556 Health Care of Women II 4 hours. Health care of women through the lifespan with an emphasis on the parturition, the puerperium, and common health and pregnancy problems. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 549 and NUSP 555.
NUSP 557 Health Care of Women III 4 hours. Health care of women through the lifespan with an emphasis on gynecolgic and primary care. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 556 and NURS 531 and NURS 532 and NURS 535.
NUSP 558 Advanced Parent-Infant Nursing 2 TO 3 hours. Examines the process of parenting in low-risk and at-risk populations, and health status and behavior of the neonate. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 549 or NURS 535.
NUSP 559 Dimensions of Midwifery and Women's Health Practice 2 hours. Examines the complex functions and roles of women's healthcare providers. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 557 and NUPR 572 and NURS 529.
NUSP 580 Leadership Reflections: Building a Personal Map 2 hours. Reflective practice experience focuses learners to identify personal leadership styles and develop personal leadership growth plans. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Executive Leadership Concentration of the Doctor of Nursing Practice.
NUSP 581 Collaboration for Strategic Financial Management in Healthcare 3 hours. Builds on basic financial management skills to prepare the learner to synthesize financial theories and concepts in order to apply knowledge to strategic decision making. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 503 or equivalent course.
NUSP 582 Ethical Leadership in Providing Healthcare 2 hours. Provides an opportunity for the student to analyze and critique current ethical issues impacting nurse leaders and formulate a personal ethics code. Prerequisite(s): NURS 528 or the equivalent and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 552.
NUSP 583 Transforming the Healthcare Organization 3 hours. Builds on concepts from strategic management to provide a framework for the learner's synthesis project.  Applications include: project management, strategic planning, change management processes applied in a transdisciplinary manner. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 502 or the equivalent and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 552.
NUSP 584 Systems Approach to Healthcare Quality and Safety 3 hours. Focuses on the critical review of current quality and safety guidelines and systems impacting healthcare agencies. Prerequisite(s): NUSP 505 or the equivalent and credit or concurrent registration in NURS 552 and credit or concurrent registration in NUSP 583.
NUSP 585 Seminar in Nursing Executive Leadership 1 TO 3 hours. Specific topics as announced each semester.  In-depth study of selected current topics in executive leadership for nurse leaders. May be repeated.
NUSP 588 Intermediate Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice 3 hours. Provides intermediate level knowledge and skills in epidemiology for nurses and other public health practitioners. Addresses threats to validity and other issues of interpretation of designs. Prerequisite(s): EPID 400 or equivalent.
NUSP 589 Grant Writing for Health Care Services 3 hours. Focuses on developing knowledge and application skills needed for successful health service programmatic grant writing. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in NUSP 507 or credit or concurrent registration in NURS 551; and credit or concurrent registration in NUSP 502 or credit or concurrent registration in NUSP 511; or consent of the instructor.
NUSP 590 Family-Focused Health Management in Primary Care 3 hours. Assessment and management of common behavioral, lifestyle, and life cycle issues in primary care using a family-focused approach. Prerequisite(s): NURS 532; or consent of the instructor.
NUSP 591 Issues in Population Focused Nursing 2 hours. Provides introduction to leadership in population-focused nursing: philosophy, theory, roles, competencies, and interventions.