Educational Policy Studies - EDPS

EDPS 412 Politics of Urban Education 3 OR 4 hours. Relations between school governance and politics. The role of educational interest groups, school boards, professional educators, and citizens in formulation and execution of educational policy. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 449 Early Childhood /Early Childhood Special Ed: Perspectives, Policies and History 3 hours. Perspectives, policies, history, and foundations of Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education. Emphasis on the effects of changing economic, political, legal, social, and views of human development. Same as EPSY 449 and SPED 449.
EDPS 453 Topics in Educational Policy Studies 3 OR 4 hours. Topics are announced at the time the class is scheduled. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.
EDPS 500 City Schools: Education in the Urban Environment 4 hours. Cross-disciplinary, critical analysis of relationships between public schools and school districts and their urban environments, with attention to implications for school improvement.  Prerequisite(s):  Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 501 Education Finance and Budgeting 4 hours. Role of government, school boards, and community in funding education.  Principles of school and district financial planning, management, and analysis.  Equity issues in school finance.  Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 502 Advanced Foundational Studies in Philosophy of Education 4 hours. Advanced investigation of historical and emergent themes in philosophy of education, with specific attention to competing perspectives on human nature and knowing, methods of philosophic inquiry, and the nexus of democratic and educational theory. Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in a doctoral program or consent of the instructor. Recommended background: ED 402.
EDPS 503 History and Historiography in Education 4 hours. An advanced critical analysis of the history of education in the United States, with specific attention to competing historical perspectives, historical methods of investigation, and the educational histories of different population groups.
EDPS 505 Social Theory in Educational Foundations 4 hours. Investigates competing theoretical perspectives in the social foundations of education, addressing the evolution of social and educational theory. Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in a doctoral program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 510 Introduction to Doctoral Education in Policy Studies 4 hours. This required doctoral seminar will be taken in the first year of doctoral study. It introduces students to doctoral education and to theoretical perspectives and research problems in both concentrations of the PhD program in Policy Studies in Urban Education. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 512 Data and Interpretation in Educational Policy Studies 4 hours. Methodology course providing students with basic understanding and skills in assessing, interpreting and representing quantitative and qualitative evidence in educational policy studies research. Students study research design and critique. Prerequisite(s): ED 500 and enrollment in the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 544 Research Design in Educational Policy Studies 4 hours. Alternative research design models and evaluation methodologies; quantitative and qualitative approaches;  ethnography; historiography; experimentation and quasi-experimentation; institutional and practitioner research designs and methods.  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education or the EdD in Urban School Leadership Program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 548 Leadership for Literacy Instruction 4 hours. School and system leadership practices for promoting effective literacy instruction in urban elementary and secondary schools.  Assessment and improvement of literacy curriculum, pedagogy, and evaluation.   Same as CI 548.  Prerequisite(s):  Consent of the instructor; admission to a degree program in the College of Education.  Students admitted to the EdD in Urban Education Leadership, prerequisites also include EDPS 550 and EDPS 552.
EDPS 549 Teaching for Social Justice 4 hours. Examine theory and practice of social justice teaching in schools, including: history liberatory pedagogies, culturally relevant and critical pedagogies, funds of knowledge, critical multiculturalism and anti-racist pedagogy, critical race theory.   Same as CI 549.  Prerequisite(s):  Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 550 Organizational Change in Education 4 hours. Introduction to models and theories of organizational change in education. Overview of mechanisms, resources, and contexts of effective school improvement. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 552 The Urban School Principal 4 hours. Leadership and management responsibilities of principals in urban schools. Theory and research on principal leadership, case study analysis, and field experience with working principals. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the EdD in Urban School Leadership Program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 553 System Leadership in Urban Schools 4 hours. Leadership and management responsibilities of system-level administrators in urban school districts. Theory and research on system level leadership using case study analysis and field work with system administrators. Prerequisite(s):  Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 555 Political Economy of Urban Education 4 hours. Politics of urban school policy and practice.  Interest groups, school boards, educators, citizens, and governments as political actors.  Educational leadership in political context.   Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 556 Instructional Leadership 4 hours. Instructional improvement role of educational leaders of urban schools. Human resource development, parent/community support, supportive organizational contexts. Strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 559 Internship in Educational Leadership 4 hours. Field experience in approved educational leadership positions and sites to perform authentic leadership tasks. Supervision by site-based mentor and university instructor. Different sections will focus on school-level and system-level administration. May be repeated. 4 hours required for the Illinois Type 75 certificate.  Additional hours may be needed for students to satisfy local school system administrator certification requirements (such as Chicago Public School's 1019 requirement). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the EdD in Urban School Leadership program and to the Type 75 General Administrative Certificate program, and consent of the instructor. Requires concurrent registration in EDPS 573. 
EDPS 563 Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Education 4 hours. Cross-disciplinary examination of issues related to gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation in education, with critical attention paid to educational policy and practice. Same as GWS 563. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 565 Globalization and Education 4 hours. Examines implications of global economic, political, and cultural processes for educational policies and practices at local and national levels. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; and consent of the instructor.
EDPS 566 Cultural Studies in Education 4 hours. Examines origins, evolution, and current frameworks of cultural studies, with a focus on educational policy and practice. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 567 Economics of Education 4 hours. Introduction to the economics of education. Relates education and income, studies and conditions for efficient production of education, teacher markets and school finance. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 568 Education and the Law 4 hours. Legal rights, responsibilities, and authority of students, parents, teachers, administrators, boards, and government units in relation to schools. Legal issues in education policy and practice. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 570 Historical and Philosophical Analysis of Education Policy 4 hours. Historical and philosophical research methodology in the study of educational policy. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 571 The Education Policy Process 4 hours. Examination of forces that influence the processes of educational policy making, adoption and implementation, with a focus on the roles of legislatures, courts, government agencies, interest groups. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education or the EdD in Urban School Leadership or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 572 Sociology of Education 4 hours. Education as a social institution in interaction with other institutions, such as the economy. Topics include the emergence of national systems of education, purposes of education, inequality and educational reform. Same as SOC 572. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 573 Seminar in Education Leadership Practice 4 hours. Budget and finance, strategic planning and decision making, communication, use of data and technology, parent/community relations, student support services. Different sections will focus on school-level and system-level administration. May be repeated. 4 hours is required for the Illinois Type 75 certificate.  Additional hours may be needed for students to satisfy local school system administrator certification requirements (such as Chicago Public School's 1019 requirement). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the EdD in Urban Educational Leadership program and consent of the instructor. Requires concurrent registration in EDPS 559.
EDPS 574 Impact of College on Students 4 hours. Introduction to research on the impact of college on students. Emphasis is placed on methods of assessing impact and research on college effects. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 575 Higher Education Organization and Administration 4 hours. Perspectives on organization, leadership, and administration of higher education. Understandings from organization theory and research on postsecondary institutions applied to issues in higher education administration. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 576 History of Higher Education 4 hours. Focus on key historical events that have had enduring implications for colleges and universities. Emphasis on social, political, economic, intellectual, and legal forces shaping American higher education. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 577 American Academic Profession 4 hours. Foundations of the academic profession. Emphasis on institutional and disciplinary variation in the performance, evaluation, and reward of faculty activities. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 578 Political Theory and Education Policy 4 hours. Theoretical perspectives on the role of politics in the development of educational policy at the federal, state and local levels. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 579 Organization Theory in Education 4 hours. Theories of decision making, organizational effectiveness, and organizational improvement in education. Multi-disciplinary and historical perspectives and their application to understanding the nature and function of educational organizations. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education program or the EdD in Urban School Leadership program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 581 Collective Bargaining in Education 4 hours. Role of collective bargaining in governance, function, and improvement of school systems.  Models and processes of negotiation, engagement, and conflict resolution.  Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 582 Cultural Pluralism and Education Policy 4 hours. Social philosophical analysis of the theory of cultural pluralism, its relation to the liberal-experimentalist tradition in educational thought; selected equal educational opportunity policies; recent federal and state legislation on multicultural education. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 583 Women in Education 4 hours. An overview of girl's and women's educational experiences and placement within the academic structure (as students, professionals and intellectuals). The impact of gender on the realization of educational, economic and social opportunities. Same as GWS 583. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor or enrollment in the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education program.
EDPS 586 Methods of Institutional and Practitioner Research 4 hours. Methods of institutional and practitioner research for practicing educators in school and school system settings. Relationship of this form of inquiry to educational leadership and improvement. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 587 Methods of Case Study Research 4 hours. Study and practice in documentary and field research methods of collecting, organizing and integrating educational data for case study.  Includes attention to interviewing, observation, ethnography, and historiography. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. 
EDPS 588 Critical Race Theory: Race and Racism in Education 4 hours. Examines theories of race and racism in education within the interdisciplinary construct of Critical Race Theory. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 589 Adminstrative and Leadership Theory in Education 4 hours. Overview of administrative theory including theory-practice interface; administrative theory history; and relationships of administrative theory to educational administration and organizations. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education program or the EdD in Urban School Leadership program or consent of the instructor.
EDPS 592 Professional Career Training in Education Policy Studies 4 hours. Faculty supervised training through university teaching, research or internship. Presentation relating experience to theory. May be repeated to a maximum of 16 hours. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the Department Chairperson.
EDPS 593 Doctoral Research Project 1 TO 8 hours. Students design, implement, and analyze results of a research problem in this area of specialization. Completed study is reviewed by faculty. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 594 Special Topics in Educational Policy 4 hours. Exploration of an area not covered in existing course offerings. Topics vary. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
EDPS 596 Independent Study in Educational Policy Studies 1 TO 4 hours. Students carry out independent study in Educational Policy Studies under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the advisor and the Department Chairperson.
EDPS 599 Dissertation and Thesis Research in Educational Policy Studies 0 TO 16 hours. Research on the topic of the student's dissertation. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. May be repeated. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the dissertation advisor.