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Urban Planning and Policy

Admission Requirements Degree Requirements

Mailing Address:
Department of Urban Planning and Policy (MC 348)
412 South Peoria Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7068

Campus Location: 215 CUPPAH
Program Codes: 20FS1786MUPP (MUPP); 20FS1785PHD (PhD)
Telephone: (312) 996-5240
Web Site:
Head, Urban Planning and Policy: Curtis Winkle
Director of Graduate Studies: Martin Jaffe

The Department of Urban Planning and Policy offers programs of professional study leading to the Master of Urban Planning and Policy (MUPP) degree and to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Urban Planning and Policy. The MUPP program is accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board of the American Institute of Certified Planners and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Students in the MUPP program generally choose one of five substantive concentrations: Community Development, Economic Development, Environmental Planning and Policy, Globalization and International Planning, Spatial Planning and Design (Land Use or Urban Design track), or Urban Transportation. Students with special interests or career goals may, with faculty approval, pursue a program area of their own design, such as environmental planning.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are considered on an individual basis. In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, applicants must meet the following program requirements:

Master of Urban Planning and Policy

Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Requirements

Master of Urban Planning and Policy

Doctor of Philosophy

Interdepartmental Concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies

Students earning a graduate degree in this department may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies after consulting with their graduate advisor. See Gender and Women’s Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section for more information.

Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Survey Research Methodology

Students earning a graduate degree in this department may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Survey Research Methodology. See Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Survey Research Methodology in the Graduate College section for more information.