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Violence Studies (Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration)

Concentration Requirements

Mailing Address:
1007 West Harrison Street (MC 141)
Chicago, IL 60607

Campus Location: 3040 Behavioral Sciences Building
Telephone: (312) 996-2203
Web site:

The Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice; Department of Psychology; Department of Political Science, Gender and Women’s Studies Program, Jane Addams College of Social Work; and the School of Public Health offer course work leading to an Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Violence Studies. Students in the following graduate programs may be eligible to complete the Interdisciplinary Graduate Concentration in Violence Studies:


Graduate Program


Art History MA, PhD
Criminology, Law, and Justice MA, PhD
Educational Psychology PhD
Hispanic Studies MA, PhD
Political Science MA, PhD
Policy Studies in Urban Education PhD
Psychology MA, PhD
Public Health (students in any division) MPH, MS, DrPH, PhD
Slavic Studies MA, PhD
Social Work MSW, PhD
Special Education MEd, PhD
Youth Development MEd

Concentration Requirements

Students earning graduate degrees in the programs listed above may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Violence Studies after consulting with their graduate advisor. All students intending to complete the Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Violence Studies are required to officially declare this intention at least two semesters prior to the semester in which the student is to graduate. Students are to declare their intent to enroll in this concentration in writing to the administrative unit (Criminology/Law/Justice or the College of Social Work). Each student selecting the concentration must have an advisor who is affiliated with the Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Violence Studies administration or from one of the sponsoring units. This advisor will work with the student to establish a concentration plan of study and will oversee the completion of concentration requirements. All described courses are offered on a regular basis but may not be offered every semester.

The Interdepartmental Graduate Concentration in Violence Studies will consist of at least 11 credit hours of course work (4 courses), including at least 5 hours from two foundation courses (selected from EPID 428, CLJ 423/ANTH 424, CLJ 546, SOCW 544, GWS/PSCH 521) and at least 6 more hours from the identified supplemental courses (selected from CLJ 422, CLJ/GWS 424, CLJ 500, POLS 571, PSCH 417, SOCW 517, SOCW/GWS 525).