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Health Professions Education

Admission Requirements Degree Requirements

Mailing Address:
Department of Medical Education (MC 591)
808 South Wood Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7309

Campus Location: 986 CME
Program Code: 20FS1306MHPE; 20FS1306MHPU (Online program)
Telephone: (312) 996-3590
Web Site:

Head of the Department: Ilene Harris
Director of Graduate Studies: Ilene Harris

The Department of Medical Education offers a program of studies leading to the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) degree. The purpose of the MHPE program is to provide the training necessary to produce effective leaders and scholars in health professions education. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary offerings are available on topics related to management and leadership in health professions education, scholarship methods, curriculum, instruction, competence assessment, program evaluation, quality assessment, primary care education, clinical decision making, and medical humanities and ethics. The Interdepartmental Concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies is available to students in this program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are considered on an individual basis. In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, applicants must meet the following program requirements:

Master of Health Professions Education

Degree Requirements

In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, students must complete the following program requirements:

Master of Health Professions Education

Interdepartmental Concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies

Students earning an MHPE degree in the Department of Medical Education may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies after consulting with the director of graduate studies. See Gender and Women’s Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section for more information.