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Admission Requirements Degree Requirements

Mailing Address:
Department of Philosophy (MC 267)
601 South Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7114

Campus Location: 1421 UH
Program Codes: 20FS0332MA (MA); 20FS0332PHD (PhD)
Telephone: (312) 996-3023
Web Site:
Chairperson of the Department: Anthony Laden
Director of Graduate Studies: David Hilbert

The Department of Philosophy offers work leading to degrees in Philosophy at both the master’s and doctoral levels and participates in the Interdepartmental Concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies and the Interdepartmental Concentration in Neuroscience.

Admission Requirements

Applicants are considered on an individual basis. In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, applicants must meet the following program requirements:

Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Requirements

In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, students must meet the following program requirements:

Master of Arts

Doctor of Philosophy

Interdepartmental Concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies

Students earning a graduate degree in this department may complement their courses by enrolling in a concentration in Gender and Women’s Studies after consulting with their graduate advisor. See Gender and Women’s Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section for more information.

Interdepartmental Concentration in Neuroscience

Doctoral students may pursue the Interdepartmental Concentration in Neuroscience. Refer to Interdepartmental Concentration in Neuroscience in the Graduate College section for more information.